African analyst, author and social critic 



















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The challenges faced by migrants in Europe: The case of Germany

Presented by Mr. Stephen Ekokobe Awung, executive chairman, African People`s Convention, Kassel, Germany.,  Read more

A critical analysis of the reasons for underdevelopment in Africa: Failed states and reasons for social unrest in Africa

This paper explores the factors responsible for the underdevelopment of most African states with an attempt to provide some possible recommendations to overcoming the socio-economic and political problems faced by the continent in a growing interconnected (globalised) world. Some of the factors that hinder Africa's development are at the starting point of this essay. The possible measures that may help reduce the agony in the continent if applied sincerely were put forward for consideration. It is assumed that states do not fail because of accidents but primarily due to the faults of kleptocrats who find themselves in power either through force or rigged elections. Read More!

Africa’s political development. The Case of Organisation of African Unity (OAU) to African Union (AU)

This paper examines the historical context of the idea of African integration, the challenges it faces and the significance in global affairs. The majority of post-independence African leaders supported the idea of African Union, some of them disagreed on the form and composition of such a union while a minority were suspicious of the idea because of greed or fear to lose their countries sovereignty. The proponents for the formation of closer cooperation in Africa argued that Africa should not only serve as a source of cheap raw materials to western countries but a vibrant power in global affairs. They argued that this idea can only be achieved if all countries bring their human and material resources together to form a united front for the interest of Africans in particular and the world at large. This idea led to the formation of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 1963 which was later transformed to the African Union (AU) in 2002. Read More!

The failed states debate. Iraq as an example

This essay is about the controversy in the failed states debate in international politics with Iraq as an example. The author argues that anticipated retaliation without the UN mandate is a danger to world peace. 

Before the terrorists attacked  Washington and New York, experts in International Relations were discussing and analyzing the clash of civilization by Huntington, an American political scientist. According to Huntington, the next conflict that will confront mankind in the 21st century would be a class of civilization. He identified some major civilizations which include the western civilization, the Islamic civilization, the Hindu civilization, the Hispanic civilization, the Japanese civilization, the Jewish civilization and maybe an African civilization.
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An appraisal of the roles of NGOs in society

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are important actors in societal development. Their roles are:·   to represent the interest of the poor, less privileged, and voiceless·   to expose problems to the world and solicit assistance for a solution·   to advice and educate people on issues relating to their interest like creating  awareness on ills such as female circumcision ·   to support citizens in time of crises like natural disaster or refugees problem Read more! 


 Stephen Ekokobe Awung (c) 2019