African analyst, author and social critic
Naturalisation initiative in the city of Kassel The city of Kassel under the leadership of Mr Betrand Hilgen, the former lord mayor of Kassel initiated a three years project to assist migrants to become German. Stephen Awung joined the lord mayor to launch this project. Read more!
Die Medien als Hilfe zur erfolgreichen Integration
Heutzutage es ist kaum
möglich ein gemütliches Leben in Deutschland zu führen ohne Internet
und die neuen Medien zu nutzen. Um eine Arztpraxis schnell zu finden,
oder Bewerbungen zu schreiben braucht man ein Internetfähiges
Smartphone, Computer oder Tablet. Aus unseren Erfahrungen mit dem
ausländischen Mitbürger/innen, haben wir festgestellt ,dass viele von
Ihnen keine oder wenige Erfahrungen mit der Internet haben besonders
die Menschen aus den Entwicklungsländern wie Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan
Integration of migrants in the German labour market-APC is a key
player The African Peoples’ Convention (APC ) e.V. is taking part in the pilot project by MOZAIK GmbH (, the VHS and Kassel city municipality whose main objective is to educate migrant community leaders on all issues concerning the present and future prospects in the German employment market with the sole purpose to ease migrants integration in the labour market. APC is the only African organization taking part in this prestigious project. The organization is represented by its president, Mr Stephen Ekokobe Awung and Mr Momodu Balogun, a devoted member and former president. APC uses this opportunity to call upon Africans who have questions on job acquisition in Germany to contact the organisation. APC, in collaboration with German labour experts, might be able to help. This is a nationwide project financed by the federal government.
Stephen Ekokobe Awung (c) 2019 |